Farheen Husain


Did you ever catch yourself wanting more peace and zen, wanting the noise around you to quieten so you could hear your thoughts but then instantly starts the list of all the chores, errands, and to-do deliverables? Have you thought to yourself “how can I connect more to spirituality or state of oneness? I have a life to live and commitments to keep”.

What is Conscious Awakening?

A sense of separation between your spiritual life and the rest of your life. This is a byproduct of the lopsided spiritual system we have inherited. An approach of either or, rather than enabling us to awaken fully while being engaged in life.
Conscious Awakening through techniques of energy healing and energy medicine as well as intuitive mentoring offers a path to live as oneness and express your divinity in all aspects of life. The exploration of yourself awakens you to feel less alone, more joyful and live more on purpose. You are no longer split between the different areas of life but see each as another canvas to align the soul and live in state of grace
Energy Healing and the techniques of Shamanism are really about illuminating the pathway to one's true potential. You finally step into becoming
The Person You Are Destined To Be !    
  1. LifeForce Energy Healing Certified Practitioner
    LifeForce Energy Healing Certified Practitioner
  2. Reconnective Healing
    Reconnective Healing
  3. LifeForce Energy Healing - Divine Feminine Guide
    LifeForce Energy Healing - Divine Feminine Guide
  4. Certified Spirit Guide Coach
    Certified Spirit Guide Coach
  5. Eden Energy Medicine
    Eden Energy Medicine
  6. Intuitive Mentoring
    Intuitive Mentoring
  7. Reiki Crystal Therapy
    Reiki Crystal Therapy


Reconnective Healing is a return to an optimal state of balance. It is the result of interacting with the fully comprehensive Reconnective Healing ​​​​​​spectrum of frequencies that consists of Energy, Light & Information. When Reconnective Healing Frequencies entrain with our energy body we emit and vibrate at a higher level of light. This has been shown to restructure our DNA, resulting in the emission of measurably higher levels of biophotonic light.


LifeForce Energy Healing® is a technique of energy medicine designed to create life-changing experiences. Experiencing LifeForce Energy Healing® is to ​awaken your mind, body, and spirit to the truth of your life purpose. Visualize living the life of your dreams, enjoying vibrant health and relationships, attracting abundance and joy and radiating love.
Living a life without fear, Living a Powerful You!  


Deep within us lies dormant the energy of willful creation, a force of aligning to one’s true destiny, the source of your intuition, collaboration, unconditional love, and joy. This place is the Realm of The Divine Feminine. Awakening the Divine Feminine Energy, enables your own innate ability to heal, thrive and grow in every area of your life. The path of awakening begins with connecting to the cosmic guardians of your personal energy centers, your chakras. These magnificent guardians, each an incarnation of The Great Mother, the Creatrix of All Things across time and space. As you learn to surrender to her gentle embrace, you will feel the sacred power of healing and grace like never before.


Each one of us has powerful guides and mentors eager to help in ALL aspects of life! All of us have beings on the inner planes who are waiting to help us. These guides and mentors in the invisible realms are specific to each individual's personal beliefs and spiritual lineage. Connect with your ancestral guides, professional guides and power animals, angelic guides, your higher self and spiritual guides, seeking from them clarity and way forward through some of lifes challenges.


The Eden Energy Medicine is best explained through a right and left-brain definition.

Right Brain -  Energy is life force! your body's magic! If you keep it healthy and it keeps you healthy. If you are sick or sad, shifting your energies feels good. When you care for these invisible energies, it makes your heart sing and your cells happy!

Left Brain -  Energy Medicine focuses on the energy fields of the body that organize and control the growth and repair of cells, tissue, and organs. Changing impaired energy patterns may be the most efficient, least invasive way to improve the vitality of organs, cells, and psyche.


Connecting into the very fabric of universal energy through techniques of ​​​​Shamanism, Tarot and Oracle Guides, gain insights and guidance as well as practical and pragmatic mentoring, bridging the gap from intuition and ideas to creation and execution. Create the life of your highest potential!


An evolved and advanced tool of Reiki by Brett Bevell. The ​​​​​​Reiki Crystal Therapy can be used for the optimal wellness of not just your physical body but also mental and emotional bodies to clear away old traumas and even clear away karmic debris to unleash your full life potential.